




Our Success Stories


Rohaiza Binti Jaafar

Senior Manager, Banking Management Tenaga Nasional Berhad

“ I felt so grateful and fortunate to be considered and accepted by MYPAC. That’s why I’ve attended all the classes, submitted all my homework, sit for every tests and mock exams. I was given the opportunity to be part of MYPAC part time student. Now I am a member of ACCA and also a member of MIA. I’ve finally achieved my dream to be a professional accountant. ”


Liyanie Hazimi Yusoff

Assurance Associate, PwC Malaysia

“ My journey of passing ACCA papers has not been easy but was one of a great learning phase of my life. Curiosity in learning, self-study and concentration during the class were the contributing factor in passing my ACCA. Apart from that, continuous support from the family, lecturers, friends, and continuous prayers to the almighty, Allah S.W.T has been helpful throughout the journey. Do remember that learning is a journey and not a destination! ”


Dalina Abdullah

Senior, Operational Controllership Analyst Baker Hughes (BHGE), Malaysia

“ After more than a decade, I finally obtain my Chartered Accountant in 2015. I am grateful to be presented with this opportunity from MyPAC. The support and motivation has helped me get at where I am today. With my ACCA qualification, my organization has given me the chance to grow and be responsible for numerous high-impact tasks. ”


Afiqah Adnan

Finance Executive, TNB Repair & Maintainence Sdn. Bhd.

“ Coming from an underprivileged background, to have a professional qualification is like shooting for star due to huge expenses. I was first introduced with MyPAC in the final year during degree studies. With their help in every aspect during the course, I could pass all paper with the first attempt. Thank you MyPAC. ”

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